The Infinite Orb - Unknown
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To install your Rock n'Roll Program, please follow the following instructions:
Long Instructions:
1. From the Program Manager type your CD ROM Drive Letter:\Setup
in the text box and click OK. (Example: F:\Setup)
2. Rock n'Roll window and a Setup window will appear, click OK
and let the installation prompts on the setup screen install
the data base control files on your hard drive.
3. Please select "Yes" on placing a file on your hard drive.
4. Please select Yes to add program to windows program manager.
5. This should then give you a window saying installation is complete.
6. Close up your file manager and you should view a square box icon
labeled Rock n'Roll Data base.
NOTE:. Installing control files to your hard drive will change the path
statements you initially type in the run box. You must finish the
installation and get an icon that looks like a TV screen. When you
see this please do the following:
a. Select "File"from the Program Manager menu, then select
Properties and change the Command Line to your CD ROM
DRIVE Letter:\Runapw2.exe Start.app
b. Change the working directory to your CD ROM DRIVE Letter:\
7 . This will then activate your Icon and your ready to Run
all applications from the CD ROM disc.
Short Cut version:
1. Select the CD ROM Drive from the Program manager.
2. Run or double click on Setup.exe in the root of the CD ROM
3. Two windows will appear, Rock n'Roll-60's and Registering WinSetup
click OK, then a window named Setup appears, click OK, then
another window appears (Rock n'Roll) click yes, which then
makes the Rock n'Roll Group Box with a Rock n'Roll Icon. Click OK
and at this time installation is complete.
4. Modification to Rock n'Roll Icon:
click on file menu bar of the Program Manager, select Properties
You will get the Program Properties Box to open... Put your Cursor
on the command line Box, and change C:\ to CDROM Drive Letter you
currently have assigned. i.e. D:\, the complete command line should
read: Your CD ROM Drive Letter:\runapw2.exe start.app. then
click "OK" At this time the Icon should change and your ready to
run your application.